Current Show
Annie Jr
- Dates: December 6-15th, 2024
- Price: $9.00
Please join us for our 15th year as we audition our 2024 Annie Jr. cast for ages 8-16. We would love to have you. There are 3 convenient audition times. September 18th 6:00-7:30 and 21st from 2:00-4:00 and September 25th 6:00-7:30. For the audition, please prepare 30 seconds of any song to sing and we will also have you cold read from the script. Rehearsal period will run from end of September through the beginning of December with shows the December 6-15th. We will rehearse Tuesday or Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00 (you choose the day) and Sunday afternoons. Cost is $265.00. We would love to see new faces as well as veterans. If you can’t make the auditions, please contact us to arrange video submission. For an audition slot, email us at or call 770-664-2410